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- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- # The line above tells the script where to find Perl. Ask
- # your system administrator what the path to Perl is on
- # your server and enter it on the line above. The bang (!)
- # is mandatory.
- #
- # mailform.cgi
- # http://www.macromedia.com/support/dreamweaver/
- # 08/30/97
- #
- # -------------------
- # Sends the contents of an HTML form via e-mail. This mailer is
- # designed to print form fields that are named with a leading F
- # and a number (for example, F01_TextField, F02_SelectField,
- # etc.) in order in the e-mail. Field names that do not begin
- # with F, a number, and an underscore are also allowed, but they
- # will not be printed in the body of the e-mail. This allows you
- # to collect names and e-mail addresses for inclusion in the header
- # of the mail without having to repeat them in the body. It also
- # allows you to determine the order of the fields without having
- # to put the field names in the script.
- #
- # -------------------
- # The MAIL variable tells the script how to find the mailer on
- # your system. If you are not sure about the path to the sendmail
- # program, ask your system administrator. The -t option allows
- # you to specify the recipients in the content of the message.
- $MAIL="/usr/lib/sendmail -t";
- #
- #
- use CGI;
- $\="\n";
- $req=new CGI;
- print $req->header;
- # -------------------
- %fields=&read_fields;
- &send_form;
- &print_thanks_page;
- exit(0);
- # -------------------
- sub read_fields{
- my(%fields);
- foreach $f ($req->param){
- $name=&clean_name($f);
- $fields{$f}{name}=$name;
- $value=&clean_value($f);
- $fields{$f}{value}=$value;
- }
- return(%fields);
- }
- # The read_fields subroutine reads in each of the field names and
- # values from the form. It calls the clean_name and clean_value
- # subroutines, which remove the leading number and underscore from
- # the name and concatenate multiple values, respectively.
- sub clean_name{
- local($f)=shift;
- $f=~s/^F\d+_//;
- $f=~s/_/ /g;
- return($f);
- }
- sub clean_value{
- local($f)=shift;
- local(@val,$val);
- @val=$req->param($f);
- $#val-- unless $val[-1]=~/\S/;
- $val=join(" - ",@val);
- return($val);
- }
- sub send_form{
- # return unless $fields{'mailto'}{'value'}=~/^[\w-]+@(yourdomain)\.com$/;
- # If you would like to ensure that mail is not re-routed to
- # another domain by a sneaky user who manipulates the 'mailto'
- # field, replace the word 'yourdomain' in the line above with
- # your actual domain. If your domain is a .net, .edu, or some
- # suffix other than .com, you'll also need to replace that. When
- # you've made the substitutions, uncomment the line by removing
- # the pound sign (#).
- open(MAIL,"| $MAIL") or error("can't send mail");
- # This is where the $MAIL variable you defined at the top of the
- # script comes in. This line "pipes" the print MAIL commands to
- # the sendmail program on your server.
- print MAIL "To: $fields{'mailto'}{'value'}";
- print MAIL "From: $fields{'Name'}{'value'} <$fields{'E-mail'}{'value'}>";
- print MAIL "Reply-To: $fields{'E-mail'}{'value'}";
- print MAIL "Subject: $fields{'subject'}{'value'}";
- print MAIL "";
- # This part of the send_form routine is customizable. It
- # currently relies on the fact that hidden form fields called
- # 'mailto' and 'subject' have been included in the form to define
- # the intended recipient(s) and the subject of the message,
- # respectively. These fields could be called something else, as
- # long as the names match in both the script and the form. The
- # 'Name' and 'E-mail' fields are also included in the form, but
- # their values are defined by the user. If you want to see how
- # the form works as-is before making any changes, simply change
- # the 'mailto' value to your own e-mail address in testform.html,
- # fill out the form, and submit it.
- $\="";
- $,=" - ";
- foreach $f (sort keys %fields){
- next unless $f=~/^F\d/;
- if ($fields{$f}{name} =~ /Comment/i) {
- print MAIL "\n";
- print MAIL "$fields{$f}{value}";
- print MAIL "\n";
- }
- else{
- print MAIL "$fields{$f}{name}: ";
- print MAIL ($fields{$f}{value} ? $fields{$f}{value} : @{$fields{$f}{'values'}});
- print MAIL "\n";
- }
- }
- # This part of the send_form routine goes through each of the
- # fields, one at a time. The second line of the foreach loop
- # (line 125) says "skip to the next field unless the field name
- # begins with F and a number." This is what prevents the
- # unnumbered fields from printing. By the way, if you would like
- # to use a field in the header *and* have it appear in the body
- # of the message, simply assign it F and a number (for example,
- # F02_Email). Just make sure that the field is referenced as
- # F02_Email in the header section (lines 103-107).
- #
- # Lines 126-130 say, "if the field name contains the word
- #'Comment' (in upper case, lowercase, or mixed case), print a
- # blank line, then the value of the field, and then another blank
- # line before moving on to the next field. This conditional is
- # designed to set comments apart from other fields. If you'd like
- # to test for something other than 'Comment,' or something in
- # addition to 'Comment,' simply replace 'Comment' with the
- # keyword you expect to appear in the field name or add " ||
- # /yourtext/i " (without the quotation marks) before the closing
- # parentheses on line 126.
- #
- # Lines 131-135 execute when the field name does not include the
- # word 'Comment.' They say, "First, print the field name and a
- # colon. Then, if there's a single value, print that; otherwise,
- # print the list of multiple values.
- $,="";
- close(MAIL);
- }
- # close(MAIL) wraps up the send_form function and sends the mail
- # to the specified recipient (you, at least during the testing
- # phase).
- sub print_thanks_page{
- $\="";
- print <<"EOM";
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Thanks for your input</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <h2>Thanks for your input!</h2>
- Thanks for taking the time to fill out our form. If necessary, we will contact
- you at the e-mail address you provided, $fields{'E-mail'}{'value'}.
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- }
- # Line 175 of the print_thanks_page subroutine says "print
- # everything between this line and the line that starts with
- # 'EOM'." It saves you from having to write a separate print
- # statement for each line, and from having to escape any
- # quotation marks that appear in the text to be printed (for
- # example, print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"000000\">";).
- #
- # This part of the code is also completely customizable; you can
- # change any of the HTML, as well as include any form field names
- # or values (in the code above, we've included the survey
- # participant's e-mail address). For example, if you created a
- # form that took an order for widgets, you could have your
- # print_thanks_page subroutine print out
- #
- # Thanks very much for your order. It will be mailed to the
- # following address within 7-10 days.
- #
- # <pre>
- # $fields{'F01_Name'}{'value'}
- # $fields{'F02_Address1'}{'value'}
- # $fields{'F03_Address2'}{'value'}
- # $fields{'F04_City'}{'value'}, $fields{'F05_State'}{'value'}
- # $fields{'F06_ZIP'}{'value'}
- # </pre>
- #
- # (assuming that F01_Name, F02_Address1, F03_Address2, F04_City,
- # F05_State, and F06_ZIP are all fields in your form). Feedback
- # pages like this one let the users know that their orders were
- # mailed off and let them check that the information they entered
- # was correct. You might also include an e-mail address on this
- # page to which the user can send any address corrections.